Drueke 826.42 18-Inch Champion Chess Set with 3-Inch Chessmen
You looking to find the "Drueke 826.42 18-Inch Champion Chess Set with 3-Inch Chessmen" Good news! You can purchase Drueke 826.42 18-Inch Champion Chess Set with 3-Inch Chessmen with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $499.99
Product Feature
- 1.75" Playing squares with 3" European Staunton weighted chessmen
- Walnut and American hardwood construction
- For ages 13 to adult
- 90 day warranty
Product Description
The 18" Champion Chess Set is made of the finest quality hardwoods. Each square is a solid block of premium American walnut or aspen framed with a solid walnut border. The 3" European Staunton weighted chessmen are beautifully hand crafted pieces that compliment the classic design of the board. All materials are carefully selected to meet the highest standards of game manufacturing to ensure many years of fun, family entertainment.Drueke 826.42 18-Inch Champion Chess Set with 3-Inch Chessmen Review
If you really like chess and you would like to have a set that is both functional and beautiful, Drueke is the way to go. They are about the only manufacturer of high quality chess equipment left in America. The dark squares and trim are American Black Walnut, and the light squares are Aspen. The part that is really great is that it is made from solid blocks of wood. Most decent chess boards are veneered, which means that there is a very thin layer of nice wood glued on top of some very cheap wood. This is not such a bad idea, as chessboards do not get heavy duty use. These higher end Drueke models are solid though. Even though it's not necessary, it just exudes a feeling of quality. It is heavy and solid. If you turn it over, it is just as well finished on the B side as the top. If you don't like the sawed trim treatment on the top side, flip it over. The walnut is simply beautiful. I'm embarassed to admit it, but this chessboard is the most beautiful piece of furniture in my house. :) If you pair it up with a set of Drueke pieces of appropriate size you will truly have an heirloom piece. Please note that if you want something for tournament use or something super rugged, you would be better served by a set of solid plastic pieces and a roll-up tournament size mat board, and for about 1/10 the cost. It is kind of like this coffee table analogy: You could have a coffee table made from cinder blocks and a piece of plywood, but it doesn't really give you that pride of ownership that a fine piece would. Yes, it will serve you well for as long as you can stand to look at it. However, you just don't look at it and get a warm feeling inside. You won't go out of your way to show it to people. This is your oppurtunity to own something of very high quality for not too much money. Yes, I know that $100+ is a lot for a chess set, but it isn't a lot for fine furniture or something nice to display which also shows you have a good mind to go with your good taste. I can't really think of enough good things to say about this board. If you have a lasting interest in chess, buy this. You will not regret it. The only decision is what size to get. Mine is a 'Grandmaster' model, the one with 2.25" squares for tournament size chessmen. (I don't think Amazon.com carries that model, but their smaller ones are every bit as nice) A wise man once said: "Buy once, cry once. Buy cheap, buy twice."Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Drueke 826.42 18-Inch Champion Chess Set with 3-Inch Chessmen" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Drueke 826.42 18-Inch Champion Chess Set with 3-Inch Chessmen ...