Militaries of Star Wars Captain Rex 12" action figure Sideshow
You looking to find the "Militaries of Star Wars Captain Rex 12" action figure Sideshow" Good news! You can purchase Militaries of Star Wars Captain Rex 12" action figure Sideshow with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $349.00
Product Feature
- Fully articulated male body (armored body) with 30+ points of articulation
- Fully detailed armor set with helmet
- 12-inch Figure Display Base with Star Wars Logo
- Fabric skirt with holsters
- Sideshow Exclusive: Captain Rex 12-inch Figure Display Base
Product Description
"The name's Rex. But you'll call me 'captain' or 'sir'..." --Clone Captain Rex Grown on Camino from the DNA of Bounty Hunter Jango Fett, Clone Trooper Captain CC-7567, nicknamed Rex, was activated during the Clone Wars, the galaxy-spanning struggle between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Rex was a freethinking, cunning, and tough warrior, yet despite his unusual individualism as a clone, Rex followed orders without question. Serving as Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's second, Rex commands Torrent Company of the acclaimed 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic. Rex and his men were assigned to patrol the most lawless and dangerous sectors of the galaxy within the feared Outer Rim.Militaries of Star Wars Captain Rex 12" action figure Sideshow Review
This character from the cartoons would have been great to see in action in the films, but now at least collectors have a great likeness of him in 12" form. The best part is the changeable helmet/head (I think they realized the helmet-over-head would look too GI Joe). The armor is superb: serious detail on the worn spots, and his skirt is actually fabric. Rex comes with the large blaster rifle, blaster gun and two pistols, the latter of which can go in his holsters.The most interesting surprise was how many interchangeable hands and feet they included. There is an extra set of feet with flexed toes, so that you can pose him crouching with the rifle, and there are about 5 sets of hands. I'm not even sure what they all are, but they allow for great poseability or play. (One is doing a V-sign, which looks cool, for whatever reason).
A new coup for Sideshow Toys...and boy will you pay for it! :)
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Militaries of Star Wars Captain Rex 12" action figure Sideshow" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Militaries of Star Wars Captain Rex 12" action figure Sideshow ...
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