Air-Trekker Jumping Stilts CZ80 Extreme Edition 175-196 lbs
You looking to find the "Air-Trekker Jumping Stilts CZ80 Extreme Edition 175-196 lbs" Good news! You can purchase Air-Trekker Jumping Stilts CZ80 Extreme Edition 175-196 lbs with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Air-Trekker Jumping Stilts CZ80 Extreme Edition 175-196 lbs
Product Description
The biggest technological upgrade in the jumping stilt industry - in 8 years! Why are the CZs so much better than any other jumping stilt? For years 99% of all jumping stilts were made by (2) authorized global manufacturers. Most parts on ALL jumping stilts were virtually the same. (Look - they are!) Until now!!! The Air-Trekker CZs now trump all existing jumping stilts models in quality and performance. Nothing is even close. Literally one of the coolest pieces of sporting equipment available to mankind! The lightest most advanced jumping stilts on the planet ..CZ-A ADULT (also see the new Air-Trekker CZ-A EXTREME Model listed separately). Jump up to 3-5 meters high. Run over 20 miles per hour. The newest technology at the best prices on the globe. New Spring Manufacturing Technology Hi-Tech nanometer: delivers small volume light weight ultra-responsive with good elasticity. Durable foam knee bar with NEW protective straps. Brand is distributed exclusively under royalty terms of German aerospace engineer Alexander Boeck. These are spring loaded top quality jumping stilts available directly from the importer/licensee at the lowest prices on the planet. VIP: As a beginner you should buy IN your weight category. Just stay in your weight category .and your CZs will come alive. They bend super easy yet shoot you up with power and speed. For Example: If your weight is 142 pounds you should buy the CZ60s. If your weight is 185 pounds you should buy the CZ80s. You should be at least 140 pounds to enjoy the Adult Model CZs. The CZ frame is completely redesigned: New materials and shape: High strength aluminum lithium. (Same material used to create the space shuttle gas tank.) While the M115 is simply extruded/bent aluminum. The CZ does not have an aluminum sleeve on the lower leg for weight reduction. The CZ\'s support brace under the footplate was redesigned as 145 degree tubular arc which reduces the concussion of external force on the spring. It s also much liAir-Trekker Jumping Stilts CZ80 Extreme Edition 175-196 lbs Review
I don't usually write reviews, but I figured that with the relatively high price and low amount of information on jumping stilts, it would be worth it this time.These stilts are very well constructed. They have a solid feel, and when everything is strapped down tight, they feel like an extension of your body.
The only reason I'm giving these a 4 star review is because there is very *very* little information both in the packaging and online for how these things are supposed to be used. The user manual is laughably bad offering little more instruction than "put on stilts, start jumping". For example, nowhere in the package did it say which side of the stilt the binding ratchets were supposed to go. Most images have two identical stilts with the ratchets on the same side (I found that they work best on the outside).
Another critical aspect is adjustment of the knee braces. This model offers a much more versatile and easily adjustable knee-strap which I hear is a marked improvement over the previous model, but it presents the problem of properly aligning the stilts. The adjustments on the knee brace allow you to move your knee left and right relative to the rest of the stilt. If your knee isn't properly aligned, then you will be torquing your knee joint sideways every time you jump. I find that they work best when the foot pads on the bottom of the stills lie slightly outside your feet as you stand.
As far as jumping goes, it's really unusual how they work. There is a very precise "sweet spot" that you need to hit to have a good comfortable jump (and not have the stilts shoot out in front of you which is hell on your knees). In my (limited) experience, I think it's best to almost straighten your legs every time you hit the ground. You get the jumping force by throwing your body weight, not by bending your knees. If you bend your knees like you might on a trampoline, the stilts will fall forward and pull your leg with them. Imagine trying to crouch down when your lower leg is two feet longer and you'll know what I mean. One thing that I found that helps is to try to make the goal to compress the springs as much as possible when you hit the ground. If you focus on compressing the springs, you will go higher. If you focus on jumping, you will kill your knees.
I've only had these for a week, and I'm already getting some pretty serious air although I'm not strong enough yet to sustain a long series of jumps. When I bought these, I was really worried about using them in public. I'm always a little self-conscious about drawing attention to myself, and I didn't want to be the ass who buys the pretty toys that he doesn't know how to use (even though I totally am). I found that after just half an hour or so, I was able to look competent enough to impress some people. Simply walking on the stilts is surprisingly easy, so you'll be "making it look easy" right away.
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