Boondock Saints 7? Action figure - Set of 2
You looking to find the "Boondock Saints 7? Action figure - Set of 2" Good news! You can purchase Boondock Saints 7? Action figure - Set of 2 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $249.99
Product Feature
- Characters Based on 1999 Movie Boondock Saints
- Character Connor McManus
- Character Murphy McManus and Connor McManus
- Multiple Points of Articulation
- From NECA
Product Description
Connor and Murphy Macmanus are highly detailed and fully poseable action figures that come with pistols and interchangeable heads. These figures are sculpted in their iconic guns drawn stance ready for action.Boondock Saints 7? Action figure - Set of 2 Review
I found these on the clearance rack at an FYE a few weeks ago and I'm a HUGE saints fan so naturally I had to get them. They were marked $15 each so I was overjoyed when I got to the register and they turned out to be $7 each... so I ran back and grabbed another set (1 set to display and 1 set to store for later).Anyways they are pretty detailed, they have 11 points of articulation each (2 in the neck; base of skull & base of neck), and none in the knees or hips. I can't really call them action figures because they were clearly meant to be display pieces but aside from the lack of leg movement they are pretty darn pose-able. They each come with 2 interchangeable heads (with and without sunglasses) and 2 pistols (with and without suppressor). All the tattoos seem to be accurate and they even wear their rosaries which is a nice touch.
These guys are getting hard to find though because apparently the company that makes them bought the license from a company that did not actually own them and got sued. Supposedly the figures were recalled and destroyed according to the rumor mill which will only make their value rise over the years.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Boondock Saints 7? Action figure - Set of 2" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Boondock Saints 7? Action figure - Set of 2 ...
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