GI JOE Sigma 6 DragonHawk
You looking to find the "GI JOE Sigma 6 DragonHawk" Good news! You can purchase GI JOE Sigma 6 DragonHawk with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $149.99
Product Feature
- Detailed electronic helicopter vehicle features rotating engines with VTOL and FT modes and sounds
- Includes body, wings, tail, 2 tail stabilizers, landing gear, 2 skis, 2 engines, 2 guns, 6 missiles
- Also includes drop cage, LT. STONE figure and ninja cycle with attached figure
- Requires 3 AA batteries
Product Description
The Dragonhawk is the SIGMA 6 team's heavy armor drop ship. It has an M.I.C. (Magnetic Interface Connector) docking system to transport SIGMA 6 vehicles to mission locations.GI JOE Sigma 6 DragonHawk Review
This is a difficult item to review because of the horrible scale that it is in and the quality of offerings that are available to support it.On the positive side this is a unique toy that I've never found before. The dropship has been quite a popular design in many games and movies/cartoons but in the toy line it has been missing. It is finally available and the design, execution and functionaility certainly delivers.
The design of the dropship is perfect, it has great markings and the appearance is very well done. As stated before this item looks great just sitting on display as I have not seen another toy like it. It looks both functional and fantastical. And the handle to use the toy is built to hide itself in the lines and flow of the overall design and that is something you rarely see given much thought in toys. On appearance it rates extremely high.
The toy incorporates a magnetic deployement system that works very well. I have a couple of the 2.5" series vehicles and crates and the dropship is able to pick up and hold them with ease and deploy them at a push of a button. I would have expected this type of toy to be plauged with a propensity to drop/disconnect the cargo but it keeps a fairly firm grip on the items.
The fans rotate quite well and very smoothly/freely but stiff enough to hold their positioning. They can be operated by a dial near the handle to rotate their positioning.
I was also happy to see that the dropship is armed quite well so that it can fulfill both the dropship role and also provide air support to extend its playability. Nice. The weapons consist of two 60mm canons that can be mounted on various locations on the dropship, 6 missles (3 per skid support) that will fire at the push of a button, and a nose mounted chain gun.
The dropship has a nice assortment of sound effects. The noteable ones are the fan noise which will adjust when the fans are tilted far enough to sound as if they are increasing in speed and then if the fans are rotated back the sounds will make a slowing sound. There is a machine gun fire sound that has a small warm-up sound followed by the booming chatter of the chain gun and sounds really good. When activated a red light on the front of the dropship will shine for to indicate a targeting light. This was a nice addition. If you fire the missiles you will also hear a missle launch sound effect followed by an explosion. Although the missiles fire 3 at a time you only get the sound effect of one missile but that is hardly a sore spot. If you operate the pickup mechanism you can hear the mock sounds of the crane lowering and a green targeting light will shine down. The items in this line that are intended to be picked up all have a crosshair on them and if you line the green light up with the crosshair the magnetic system will line up squarely on the magnet on the item you are picking up. You are rewarded with a solid sounding thump when the magnets engage and again when you deploy the cargo. Very nice.
So why only 4 stars then?
First, the chaingun in the nose is practically stationary - it will pivot up and down slightly but will not move from side to side.
Secondly, the sounds are always on. In other words there is no way to just turn them off and use the dropship without the accompanying sound effects which can get tiring for the people around you. The only way to silence the sound effects is to remove the batteries and the battery compartment screw is very easy to strip.
Thirdly, the 2.5" scale is just horrible. This is not because of its size but because of the shoddy offerings in the scale. The dropship is the only saving grace for the 2.5" scale. The rest of the vehicles are fairly well done but the figures are horrible. They are not poseable and most of them come with molded-on bases that look like they got stuck in a peice of chewing gum. Considering their price you don't really get what you would expect from the GI Joe name. I was really un-impressed with the 2.5" offerings save for the dropship and a couple other vehicles. This affects the review for the dropship becuase it means that so many figures and such will not be able to fit inside the cockpit of the dropship because of their lack of articulation and molded on bases.
Just as a side note if you cut out the cockpit you can fit in the normal 3 3/4" GI Joes and they look just fine, they just make the dropship smaller overall. The vehicles however will not look at all correct with the 3 3/4" scale Joes.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "GI JOE Sigma 6 DragonHawk" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from GI JOE Sigma 6 DragonHawk ...
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